Traveling Outside Canada with a Record
United States Waiver of Inadmissibility In addition to a Record Suspension, you may need to consider other applications such as a US Travel Waiver, Nexus Card or Purge Services. According to the Parole Board of Canada, a Canadian Pardon (now called Record Suspension) is not recognized outside Canada. Specifically, they state: “Many foreign countries, including the United States (U.S.), do not recognize a Canadian Pardon. If you have a criminal record and are interested in going to the U.S., you may want to apply for a United States Waiver (American INS Waiver).” For more information, visit: United States[...]
Traveling with Suspended or Pardoned Criminal Record
Must I Disclose my Suspended Criminal Record? Must I disclose my Pardon or Record Suspension? When it comes to employment applications, the best policy is to tell the truth. However, do not volunteer information if it is not absolutely required. The following is a general guide in navigating employment applications and interviews: A Canadian Record Suspension seals your criminal record. It does not erase the fact that you had a criminal record. If asked, “Have you ever been arrested, charged, convicted, pardoned, or received a Record Suspension”, then the correct and truthful response is “Yes, I was convicted.[...]
What Are the Limitations of a Record Suspension?
A Record Suspension Does Not Eliminate Discrimination in all Cases. Here is a List of Some Limitations: A Record Suspension (or Pardon) may not be recognized by a foreign country and may not guarantee that you will be granted entry privileges. A suspended record does not erase the fact that you were convicted of an offence. A Record Suspension does not return to you driving privileges or the ability to possess a firearm (if prohibited from having a Driver’s Licence or firearm). Courts and Police Services (excluding RCMP) are governed by provincial and municipal legislation. Though they are not obligated[...]
What is a Vulnerable Sector Search?
Where Can I Get a Vulnerable Sector Search in Calgary, Alberta? Fingerprinting service has been privatized in Calgary. That means for MOST cases, you must go to a private fingerprinting agency (like ours) for most of your fingerprint services. However, you must go to the Calgary Police Service to get a vulnerable sector search. Do not go to a private fingerprinting agency for a Vulnerable Sector Search. For more information about the Calgary Police Vulnerable Sector Search click here: Calgary Police Website. You may also download and print the Calgary Police Service instructions here: Vulnerable Sector Search Handout. What is a Vulnerable Sector[...]
RCMP Fingerprint Processing Times
How Long Will it Take For My Fingerprints to be Processed? STEP #1: Ink Digitization or Digital Fingerprinting For applicants outside Canada – We digitize your ink fingerprints and submit them to the RCMP instantly within one working day of receiving them. For applicants attending our office – We take your fingerprints electronically and submit the fingerprints instantly at the time of the appointment. STEP #2: RCMP Fingerprint Processing Times Delivery to a Canadian Address The results are typically delivered within 3 to 6 weeks. Delivery to an Address Outside Canada The results are typically delivered within 4 to[...]
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