Immigration Fingerprint Services

Published On: January 23, 2013

Immigration Fingerprint Services by Agency
with Immigration Background

President and CEO, Deborah Ward, is the owner of the Canadian Legal Resource Centre Inc., one of Canada’s longest running Fingerprint Agencies. She completed the Immigration Practitioner Certificate in 2007. Though her booming fingerprint, pardon, waiver, and divorce business prevents her from pursuing the field of immigration, her training in immigration has given her great insight into fingerprinting requirements for the various classes of temporary and permanent residents as well as sponsorship responsibilities as it relates to cohabitation / pre-marital agreements, separation and divorce. Referrals are greatly appreciated.

Immigration Fingerprint Services
– for Processing in Canada

If you require a criminal record check in Canada for immigration purpose (or for any purpose), the most reliable and fastest method is with digital or electronic fingerprints.  We take your fingerprints electronically, and submit the request ‘instantly’ via the internet to the RCMP.  The RCMP processes the request, typically within 72 hours provided you have no criminal record in Canada, and mails the results to you or any third party designated by you.

Immigration Fingerprint Services
– for Processing outside Canada

If you need to send fingerprints out of country for processing, then we would take your fingerprints using ink.  We give the fingerprints to you to submit out of Canada.  You are responsible for submitting your own fingerprints, unless you have an Immigration Consultant assisting you.  For instructions on how to order a criminal record search out of Canada, please click the following link:

Immigration Fingerprint Processing Outside Canada | How to Get a Police Certificate


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