Free Divorce & Separation Agreement Resources
Simple Steps to Getting a Legal Separation Agreement in Alberta
Learn simple steps to getting a Legal Separation Agreement the friendly and affordable way. Go to the right of this blog and opt-in for your free guide now. This free guide includes:
- tips and strategies for keeping it friendly;
- answers to commonly asked questions; and
- links of free resources (some of the free resources are also listed below…check the free guide for more!).
If you and your spouse are willing to cooperate, these strategies will help you both minimize the back and forth between lawyers and keep your legal fees to a minimum.
Property Workbook
When you download your free guide as described above, you’ll automatically be given a free workbook that will help you begin the process of collecting all of your financial documents.
Parenting after Separation Seminar
You and your spouse may want to take the free 3-hour Online Parenting After Separation Seminar. The facilitators help parents understand how to minimize the impact of separation on children, and offer general information (rights and responsibilities) about custody, access and child support. This seminar is mandatory if you have dependent children under the age of 16 and are filing for a divorce. An exemption can be obtained in limited circumstances.
Click the link to attend your free online seminar:
Child and Spousal Support Calculations
• for child and spousal support calculations. Short Link:
Child Tax Credits and GST Credits
Curious as to how much child tax credits will increase or decrease as a result of separation. Or, how much in GST credits you might qualify for? Though this is not likely to affect the division of things, if you find out that your child tax credits will increase a hundred or two, it might reduce your stress a little. Check here for free online calculators:
Canada Revenue Agency CCTC and GST Benefits Calculator
Benefits may increase for the primary caregiver or decrease for the payor of child support.
What’s Next? Free Consultation
Not sure what to do next? Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation. Calgary: 403-229-2774 Elsewhere in Alberta: 1-800-320-2477.