How to Get a Divorce in Alberta: 4 Tips to Save you Time and Money

December 25, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

If you are applying for an Alberta Divorce, you can benefit from these 4 time and money saving tips, even if your situation is contested. CAUTION: the information found in this blog is general in nature, and does not constitute legal advice. Some of the tips found in this article may not benefit you or produce the results you desire. Use your own judgment or seek legal advice if you choose follow them. Alberta Divorce Preparation - Property Before filing for a divorce in Alberta, you need to decide if you wish to include a claim for division of matrimonial property[...]

How to Obtain an Emergency Pardon Application Quickly in Four Easy Steps

December 25, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

What Some Pardon Companies in Canada do not want you to know about emergency pardons and processing times. Would you like to know how to obtain an Emergency Pardon in Canada? Would you like to get your Pardon granted quickly in four easy steps? Perhaps have it granted in 6 weeks or less?  Sorry to get your hopes up. You can not get a pardon quickly. In fact, it is a slow, long process.  Do not trust pardon companies who promise emergency pardons.  Every effort should always be made to get your pardon at the earliest opportunity.  But any emergency[...]

Throw Extra Money into Jails?

December 25, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

Should we Throw Extra Money into Jails? The Harper government has increased the pardon fee from $150 to $631 and intends to use this extra money for jails. But, why throw the extra money into jails? If treatment programs were more effective, fewer people would be going back to jail. If you are going to take more money from people who have rehabilitated (ie. pardon application fees), I'd suggest the extra revenues be put towards treatment programs not further punishment. I like this upcoming video. You may have heard the expression before "if you continue to do what you've always[...]

Travel Tips and Resources

December 25, 2013|Uncategorized, United States Waiver|

Travel Tips and Resources Our office is contacted frequently for information on passports, fingerprinting, visa requirements, and travel documents for children. To assist you better, we have provided for you the following links. If you have more tips and resources you'd like to recommend, please send us a comment below. Passport Canada Be sure your passport does NOT expire within 6 months of travel. Everyone is required to travel with their Passport (adults, children and babies). For more information, click Passport Canada. Fingerprinting for Passport Renewals for Other Countries If you require a set of fingerprints be taken for passport[...]

Is an Alberta Divorce Recognized in the Philippines?

November 13, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

Alberta Divorce  vs Philippines AnnulmentYou may get a divorce in Alberta if you were married in the Philippines provided you or your spouse have been ordinarily resident in the Province of Alberta for at least 12 months prior to filing a Statement of Claim for Divorce.  However, your divorce may not be recognized in the Philippines if one of the spouses is not a Canadian Citizen when the divorce in Alberta has been obtained.  This may not be a concern for the spouse residing in Canada if:They never intend to re-marry in the Philippines;They are not concerned whether the divorce[...]

What is a conditional discharge?

November 1, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

A conditional discharge is defined in this excerpt from the Criminal Code of Canada: 730. (1) Where an accused, other than an organization, pleads guilty to or is found guilty of an offence, other than an offence for which a minimum punishment is prescribed by law or an offence punishable by imprisonment for fourteen years or for life, the court before which the accused appears may, if it considers it to be in the best interests of the accused and not contrary to the public interest, instead of convicting the accused, by order direct that the accused be discharged absolutely or on the conditions[...]

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