Child Support Calculations in Canada

January 23, 2013|Uncategorized, Uncontested Divorce|

Federal Child Support Guideline Calculations Child support is calculated according to the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Since these guidelines are clear (for the most part) and established by law, parties are less likely to fight over the amount of child support when these guidelines are followed. Long gone are the days when child support was a subjective matter and different amounts could be ordered in similar situations, often leading parties to feel that they were treated unfairly. Under the new Guidelines, everyone is treated the same way. Challenges can arise, however, when determining income for self-employed persons, when income is[...]

Free Child Support Calculations in Canada using the Federal Child Support Guidelines

January 23, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

Federal Child Support Calculations Child support calculations in Canada are based upon Federal Child Support Guidelines. Since these guidelines are clear (for the most part) and established by law, parties are less likely to fight over the amount of child support when these guidelines are followed. Long gone are the days when child support was a subjective matter and different amounts could be ordered in similar situations, often leading parties to feel that they were treated unfairly. Under the new Guidelines, everyone is treated the same way. Challenges can arise, however, when determining income for self-employed persons, when income is[...]

Lady Gaga Imagine – A World Without Forgiveness

January 23, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

Can you imagine a world without forgiveness? When I listen to Lady Gaga Imagine, I am reminded as to why Canadian Pardons are very important.  Yes, I am talking about an application that allows an ex-criminal to seal their criminal record and hide it from the public and from employers.  I am not going to debate whether the Graham James' of the world should have their record sealed, only that generally pardons are a good idea.  Maybe the most serious of offenders should NOT be forgiven...or should they?  I think most would agree, that like pardons, forgiveness is 'generally' a[...]

Calgary Police Checks

January 23, 2013|Fingerprinting & Background Checks, Record Suspension, Uncategorized, United States Waiver|

What is a Calgary Police Check? Normally, a Calgary Police Check is a criminal record check completed through your local Calgary Police. The results reveal one of the following: There is no criminal record associated with your name and date of birth (not verified by fingerprints). There may be a criminal record associated with your name and date of birth (but fingerprints must be taken to determine if this criminal record belongs to you). A report identifying conviction(s) missing from the national RCMP criminal record database and other incidences involving the police that did not result in a conviction for[...]

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