Lady Gaga Imagine – A World Without Forgiveness
Can you imagine a world without forgiveness? When I listen to Lady Gaga Imagine, I am reminded as to why Canadian Pardons are very important. Yes, I am talking about an application that allows an ex-criminal to seal their criminal record and hide it from the public and from employers. I am not going to debate whether the Graham James' of the world should have their record sealed, only that generally pardons are a good idea. Maybe the most serious of offenders should NOT be forgiven...or should they? I think most would agree, that like pardons, forgiveness is 'generally' a[...]
Calgary Sun CCA Award Publicity
Look what I found in the Calgary Sun today! How exciting to make it to the first page of the insert. Canadian Legal Resource Centre Inc. Wins Again
Calgary Police Checks
What is a Calgary Police Check? Normally, a Calgary Police Check is a criminal record check completed through your local Calgary Police. The results reveal one of the following: There is no criminal record associated with your name and date of birth (not verified by fingerprints). There may be a criminal record associated with your name and date of birth (but fingerprints must be taken to determine if this criminal record belongs to you). A report identifying conviction(s) missing from the national RCMP criminal record database and other incidences involving the police that did not result in a conviction for[...]