Child Travel Authorization Form Canada
Child Travel Authorization Form Canada Permission to Travel with Children Your children and babies need their own passports. Extra documents may be required such as birth certificate which shows who the child's legal parents are. If one parent is deceased; you may need to bring a death certificate. If you are travelling without the other parent, you may need a legal document showing you have sole custody of your child, a Court Order that grants you permission to travel with the child or a Parental Consent Letter (see Sample Travel Authorization below). Click here for SAMPLE Travel Authorization for Children[...]
What is a Pardon?
What is a Pardon? What is a Pardon and how does it compare to a Record Suspension? The following definitions and commentary will help you understand what it means to be Pardoned or to have your record suspended in Canada. Dictionary Definitions of: What is a Pardon? Wikipedia Clemency means the forgiveness of a crime or the cancellation (in whole or in part) of the penalty associated with it. It is a general concept that encompasses several related procedures: pardoning, commutation, remission and reprieves. A pardon is the forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty; it[...]
Uncontested Divorces in Alberta
How to Qualify for an Uncontested Divorce in Alberta You can file for an uncontested divorce in Alberta if: you or your spouse have resided in Alberta for the past 12 or more months; you and your spouse agree to all matters concerning property, assets and debts; if spousal support is an issue, you and your spouse are in agreement with spousal support; and if there are dependent children, you and your spouse are in agreement with custody, access and child support. Is your spouse unwilling to accept personal service? This does not make the divorce 'contested'. It just means[...]
Waiver of Inadmissibility | Travelling to the United States with Drug Offences
US Waiver of Inadmissibility for Canadians You will need to apply for and receive an I-192 US Waiver of Inadmissibility to gain legal entry to the United States if you have any one of the following: Drug offences committed on or after the age of 18; or Serious felony drug offence committed under the age of 18 for which you were tried and convicted as an adult. Though individuals who are inadmissible are only randomly checked to see if they have a criminal record when attempting to enter the United States at a US Border Crossing, it is illegal to[...]
Benefits of a Record Suspension for Truck Drivers
Benefits of a Record Suspension for Truck Drivers - Information for Truck Drivers and Transport Companies - Why should a Truck Driver Get a Record Suspension? Are you a truck driver with a criminal record in Canada? If yes, a Record Suspension should be at the top of your to-do list. Failure to get the right job or best pay can significantly impact the rest of their life. The benefits of having a Record Suspension are obvious. But, I believe many truck drivers fail to appreciate just how important the benefits are. What is a Record Suspension? A Record[...]
Special Olympics Powerlifting
Congratulations to all Special Olympics Powerlifting Athletes I recently volunteered for to be an assistant coach for Special Olympics Powerlifting Athletes in Calgary. I am Deborah L. Ward, President and CEO of the Canadian Legal Resource Centre Inc. I completed in Powerlifting for a period of 7 years. During this time I broke all Canadian records for my weight class and one World record (drug free, of course!). I am now 'retired' from competing in the sport but have recently taken up coaching. I have had the absolute pleasure of coaching Special Olympic athletes for 3 months. Their program runs[...]