Canadian Pardons vs. Record Suspensions: Understanding the Difference
Canadian Pardons vs. Record Suspensions: Understanding the Difference In Canada, individuals with a criminal record may seek a second chance through either a Pardon or a Record Suspension. These legal mechanisms help individuals move forward by reducing the impact of their criminal record on their lives. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there are key differences between a Canadian Pardon and a Record Suspension, both in terminology and application. Do I apply for a Pardon or Record Suspension? You must apply to have your record Pardoned or Suspended based upon the rules that existed at the time you committed[...]
Free Divorce & Separation Agreement Resources
Simple Steps to Getting a Legal Separation Agreement in Alberta Learn simple steps to getting a Legal Separation Agreement the friendly and affordable way. Go to the right of this blog and opt-in for your free guide now. This free guide includes: tips and strategies for keeping it friendly; answers to commonly asked questions; and links of free resources (some of the free resources are also listed below...check the free guide for more!). If you and your spouse are willing to cooperate, these strategies will help you both minimize the back and forth between lawyers and keep your legal[...]
Alberta Divorce Processing Times
How long does a Divorce take in Alberta? Divorce can be hard and emotionally draining. It is important to know how long a divorce takes to be granted. This information can help those going through this change. In Alberta, the time it takes to finalize a divorce depends whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the issues, quality of your service provider and how efficiently the court system operates. This article aims to provide an overview of factors that influence how long a divorce takes in Alberta. You will gain insights into the different types of divorces,[...]
New ETIAS Pre-Travel Requirements for Canadians visiting the European Union
Starting January 1, 2025, Canadians and other travelers from visa-exempt countries planning a European getaway will require ETIAS authorization before visiting the Schengen Area. The European Travel Information and Authorization System tracks visitors from countries who do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Zone. This system was proposed by the European Union to improve security and monitor the flow of travelers. The Schengen Area in Europe includes Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. What You[...]
USA Waiver – Land Border Submission Information – Updated 08/10/2021
The USA is now accepting I-192 Waiver Applications at select Biometrics-Designated land borders. If you wish to hand in your Waiver immediately and have not already done so, we ask that our clients contact our office first before submitting their application. GENERAL INFORMATION: (subject to change at any time) #1. It appears the USA border is not concerned if you've had a negative test or vaccine. However, I recommend you NOT attend if you have symptoms of Covid, have Covid, or have been in contact with someone within past 14 days who has Covid. #2. If handing your application in[...]
USA Waiver News – COVID Impact
February 10, 2021WHATS NEW WITH WAIVERS?BACKLOGApplicants have not been able to submit Waivers since March 2020 unless their reason for travel to the USA was essential. When everything returns to business as usual, there will be a flood of waiver applications.GETTING AHEAD OF THE CURVEAs a result of our years of experience, we believe our support will enable our clients to get ahead of the curve when it is time to submit simply because we have a pulse on changes as they happen including how to follow all of the proper procedures, deadlines, etc.NEW ONLINE SUBMISSION PROCESSWaiver applications are prepared[...]