Special Olympics Powerlifting
Congratulations to all Special Olympics Powerlifting Athletes
I recently volunteered for to be an assistant coach for Special Olympics Powerlifting Athletes in Calgary. I am Deborah L. Ward, President and CEO of the Canadian Legal Resource Centre Inc. I completed in Powerlifting for a period of 7 years. During this time I broke all Canadian records for my weight class and one World record (drug free, of course!). I am now ‘retired’ from competing in the sport but have recently taken up coaching. I have had the absolute pleasure of coaching Special Olympic athletes for 3 months. Their program runs 3 months of every year–though a lot of the athletes train all year round.
In June 2012 the athletes from across Alberta competed in Devon, Alberta. As they have all had at least one successful lift in each in squat, bench and deadlift, they all qualify to go on to the next level. The competition in Devon was year one in a four year cycle leading all the way to the Special Olympics competition.
Here is a group photograph of all lifters and coaches.
A special congratulations to all the Special Olympic Athletes, and especially to Nick and Scott–the two athletes I was assigned to support. Nick broke all of his 3 personal best lifts and Scott broke 2 of his 3 personal best lifts. Its hard to break your personal bests in a competition where there is all the extra stress of competing and very strict rules on how to perform a proper lift.
Special Olympics Powerlifting Volunteers
If you are interested in volunteering or supporting Special Olympics, please check out their site! (click here).
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